Tuesday, November 4, 2014

わたしたち は かんじ を べんきょう しはじめました!

わたしの にほんごの じゅぎょうは 学び はじめました!
Each major step in this class excites me to no end. First was signing up for this class, then going to my first class along with my first assignment, first quiz and then first test! When we transitioned to strictly using hiragana, I was pumped. Then when we incorporated katakana... Well, I was happy about the idea of it, but I don't particularly enjoy writing it. Plus, now occasionally when I am trying to write in hiragana I'll accidentally write in katakana.
But! Most importantly! We are now incorporating KANJIII!!!! Soooo exciting! This is the moment of truth. We finally are utilizing all three components of the Japanese writing styles.
わたしの にほんごで  てがき よく ありません。でも、わたしは かいぜん します!